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“I must take this information to my superiors on Tuath, we only have one planetary government and so the decision will be quick. There is a logistical problem and to explain it I must divulge another secret which I want you to only share with those who really need to know. Can I have that assurance from you?”
“Yes, you have my assurance.”
“As you are probably aware we cannot communicate directly with Tuath. The distance is so great it makes the messages irrelevant. This is not totally true, however; once a year a portal opens in Saturn’s rings, it is only maintained briefly as it requires an immense amount of energy to construct and maintain. That portal allows us to send information and physical objects to our home solar system in an instant. It is due to open very soon, which is why we will be leaving in two weeks’ time. We will have completed a two-year mission and most of us are anxious to go home.”
“So that is why that facility on Mars was built, to project information through the Portal?”
“Yes. It saved us a lot of effort, but it had become obsolete many years ago and was meant to be destroyed. Its survival was an accident. An accident that we remedied as quickly as possible; unfortunately you had already found it and it was too late to keep up the pretence that we did not exist. We have collected the data which was our original objective, but when I return to Tuath I will be called on to explain why I allowed contact to be established. This is something I am not looking forward to. Still, enough of my problems; the other members of the crew would like to invite you to stay for the next two weeks while we finish off our data collection and collation and a final decision is made about your proposal.”
“I would like that very much Jay and it is very kind of you all,” said Mark, aware that Jade was standing next to him now and was holding his hand
“Will you please share my quarters Mark?” she said.
“Ahh... Yes that would be nice, thank you.”
Over the next two weeks, Mark rediscovered himself. Jade brought parts of his soul back to life that had died with his wife. They made love constantly and passionately. Jade was acutely aware that their union would also draw the interest of the elders and the President. She knew it might be judged by some as foolhardy and reckless. Still, Tuath was a long way away and their time together was short. Jade had formulated a plan and divulged it to Mark when he brought up the subject of The Pride of Tuath’s departure. “I am going to suggest to the council of elders that I come back in a year when the Portal opens with a delegation to draw up the agreement between your country and Tuath. I will volunteer to stay and help establish a colony for our people on the reservation you plan to give to us.”
“Do you think they will accept the proposal and also allow you to return, Jade?”
“They will accept the proposal, because it has been a long held wish to live in peace securely on Earth. How large a commitment the council is prepared to make I cannot tell. I cannot be sure even if they will allow me to return. I promise I will do everything in my power to persuade them, Mark.”
“I know you will my love, I will be waiting anxiously for your return. I would really love to come with you, Jade. Do you think it is worth me asking Jay to let me go back to Tuath with you? I could make a direct representation to your council.”
“No, do not ask that. Jay is already concerned about how his actions so far will be taken on his return. Actually turning up at the council with an Earthman could jeopardize his career. None of us can predict the attitude of the council at this stage. I have to warn you that totally isolating Tuath from Earth is a possibility. Not all of the population has the ancient affection for the planet of our origin. Many atrocities were committed against us by the natives.”
Mark looked worried. “What if they refuse to allow you to come back?”
“It’s a risk we take, but on compassionate grounds it would be difficult for them to deny me the right to a life with the man I love.”
In the course of their two days together Mark learned much about his hosts. There were paintings and holos of Tuath in various places on the ship. He was careful not to ask too many questions and was sensitive to their reluctance to give their full history. He, however, held back nothing and truthfully answered all their questions. He allowed them to monitor his biological functions and take genetic samples.
When the time came to leave, Jay called Mark to his private quarters. “We will transport you at your friend Barry Bradshaw’s home. I do not wish to make an appearance over a large city for security reasons. I trust you Mark and your assurances that your people wish us well, but it is better we depart quietly. The AI has reported to me that your facility on Mars is tracking our movements. You may tell them to watch for the Portal reopening in one year’s time. I wish to thank you for your understanding, you are a worthy representative for your people. You can rest assured that Jade will be safe and cared for. I will speak on your behalf at the council and recommend your proposal.”
“Thank you Jay, for everything. One day I hope to know the full story of your people. I sincerely hope you will return next year. I will be at the observatory waiting for the portal to open. Tell your council of elders that the people of my country will respect the Tuath and you have done a service to both planets by your visit here.”
“If it were only that simple, my friend, then I would not be as concerned as I am,” replied Jay with a worried expression on his face.
The Pride of Tuath became stationary 100 metres above Barry’s tennis court. The family plus Jack and Daniel were there to meet him. Mark had said his last-minute goodbyes to Jade. In one hand he clutched a suitcase in the other was a holo player: Jade had made holos of them both before he left. They went onto the front veranda where beer and snacks had been laid out. The next hour was mainly small talk about Barry’s family and the farm with a bit of Canberran politics creeping in on occasion. Jack explained his capacity there was strictly security. A formal briefing would happen in the capital in three days; meanwhile Mark was to make a brief written report suitable for the media.
Later that night when all were asleep Barry and Mark sat in the study drinking Port. “I’ll hear the official report soon enough. What’s the juicy stuff?”
Mark smiled, “The sex was great if that’s what you are asking.”
Barry laughed at that. “I’m very glad to hear it, and yes, I do want to hear about that, I want your personal feel for everything.”
“OK. The first thing is our two races are similar enough that it is still probable we can cross breed. My relationship is as close as it can be and we are hoping to reunite in a year. The dream is that we will be able to live here together on Earth, probably on the land grant given to the Tuathan people. It is at best a slightly better than a two-in-three chance that they will accept the land grant and use it. Although I admit Jade is a little bit more pessimistic than me.”
“That’s all good Mark. Paul is still very hot for this to work, it will be another peace time achievement he can point to. Some of his other pet projects are not going so well, mainly on the economic front. The world’s economy is going through a transitional realignment phase. Stock markets are still a bit of a joke. Paul has moved away from the idea of becoming an economic world power. All the statistics and extrapolations say we will be lucky if we can feed ourselves. He is advocating negative population growth for the next ten years. As you can imagine that’s proving to be as popular as a fart at a wedding. Britain has offered to take some of our people as they have a lot of extra beds now eighteen percent of their population went back to their home countries or died in the riots. Paul will not let anyone leave, however. It doesn’t fit with his social theory.”
Mark laughed out loud at this. “A Prime Minister with a social theory? Apart from his and our survival what does he hope to salvage from this mess?”
“It’s complex. You see, when everybody went gaga about their belief in God, science became a smelly subject. We gained the Consortium plus the brain drain fr
om Europe and America. War actually increased our technological superiority, hence the array. Our educational institutions pushed science and emphasised it. At this point in time it is estimated we are seven years ahead of the Europeans and Americans, who in turn are light years ahead of what’s left of the Caliphates. Paul sees this as essential to our survival. His attitude is keep them all guessing at what would happen if someone pissed us off even though there is bugger all of us left. This is where your little space mates come in. They live in our backyard and will only play with us because they don’t trust the people outside. Who is to know if we have a military alliance with them and are trading technologies? Paul doesn’t have to confirm or deny anything.”
This all made Mark feel insecure and uncomfortable. “Therefore what he is probably going to say to me in the brief is that if the Tuathans do take up our offer, we are to keep them as isolated from the rest of the world as possible? Prepare their public speeches and only wheel them out on special occasions determined by Canberra?”
“Hmm, I suppose that’s one way of looking at it. Mark, surely you can see the end justifying the means in this?”
“What I see is political manoeuvring that may work on us fools on Earth, but these are Tuathans and the one major factor missing in Paul’s logic is that they are truly superior beings to us. How much control do you have with kangaroos in a sheep paddock, Barry?”
“Are you saying they won’t co-operate?”
“I don’t know. They have different motivations to us. They are more evolved, more moral more everything we are not. My advice to Paul is to tell them the truth, let them choose and try not to second guess them while learning from them.”
“It sounds like good advice, I’ll pass it on,” said Barry.
“Sure, and while you are talking to him ask him his opinion about the Portal. Tell him to get some professional advice on that.”
“Mark, what’s on your mind?”
“I still say it’s a technological misfit. They have some pretty amazing technology but that thing is so way out it has me doubting it’s theirs. Especially as questions about it are fended off as quickly as possible. Can you see what I’m implying?”
“You are implying that when it comes to the Tuathans, we still actually know nothing or at least so little that we should be treading carefully?” said Barry.
“Yes, I’ll go ahead and support Paul’s social theory but until I get the full story of their history, I will continue to look for the nigger in the woodpile.”
“And stay politically incorrect,” said Barry with a smile.
Over the next two days, Mark enjoyed himself. Barry and Barbara both remarked how light-hearted he was. Jack and Daniel even managed to shed their Men in Black image and the house became a place of warmth and protection from an outside world they could pretend did not exist for a while. As always, it came to an end and Jack drove Daniel, Mark and Barry back to Canberra. Canberra seemed abnormally quiet, Barry explained that anybody with construction or medical skills was working in the fringes of the radiation areas. Barry and Mark checked in at a deserted motel as near as possible to Parliament House, then said goodbye to the two ASIO boys.
Over diner Barry said, “Jade must be quite a woman.” Mark took the tiny holo player from around his neck. A three-dimensional image of her standing next to Mark appeared. “Ohh wow!! Amazing, I mean, well she is really something totally off this planet. Are you both... like, committed to this relationship?”
“By Tuathan standards we are already married. They call it bonded,” replied Mark. “We will have a more formal ceremony when she comes back.” Barry took hold of Mark’s hand and shook it while calling for champagne. Later Barry said, “That holo thing is cute, how do you turn it on?”
“I think ‘turn on’ and it does. Jade tuned it to my thought processes somehow. It’s personalised; I warned you they are superior to us in ways we do not comprehend. They even have a rudimentary replicator technology which is used to produce some types of spare parts. Plenty of people on this planet would kill to get their hands on their technology. I will be warning them about that when or if they arrive.”
Barry made a mental note of his own to discuss this with Paul in the morning before Mark’s interview.
“Tuath is the adopted home. That is an undeniable fact.” From the Council of Elders.
“We have completed a two-year mission. We have fulfilled all the tasks set but we have overstepped the guidelines. I will be admitting full responsibility for that when we arrive home. None of you are in any way implicated in my report to the council. I have to accept that as a result of my decisions history has changed and the future of Earth has been set in another direction. Therefore, I am guilty of interference, of breaking the prime directive. The council will have to set a new course for our people, one that either denies Earth or accepts our place in its future. Before I start writing my report, I wish you to give me your opinions and impressions of my performance as your captain. Do not spare my feelings.” Jade looked at his crew and saw he had embarrassed them. Moss, the second in command felt obliged to state his position. “You are the captain and as such we have all obeyed your directives. In hindsight maybe I would not have made the same decisions. The reality was that we were placed in a position that required responses that were not going to satisfy all criteria. Therefore I do not think anyone has the right to find you guilty of misconduct and I will be stating this at the council.”
A female crew member, Jasmine, the molecular engineer spoke up. “I am proud that we made successful contact. We have not given away the position of our planet or divulged our total history. The contact was as good as we could reasonably expect given that a state of global conflict was in progress. We are taking back from this encounter an incredibly precious gift and opportunity. One that could help us reconcile with our own history. I for one think the council would be foolish to not at least attempt a better relationship with Earth.”
Jade knew they would be expecting her to speak, she did so reluctantly. “I am biased. I found my soul mate on Earth. I will defend our actions with my last breath as it has opened up huge potential for reconciliation. It was beyond our nature to deny help and the council are wise and will understand this. I have faith in the good judgement of the elders. It is now in their hands.” There were nods and murmurs of approval and Jay called an end to the meeting and thanked them for their support. A short time later, a message was received from Mars. AI announced it over the ship’s intercom system.
“This is the Martian colony wishing you bon voyage. We hope you will visit us soon and that the people of Earth create a better impression than they did this time. Please give us another chance. Farewell.”
Jay smiled at this, it would help Jade’s position immensely. He was aware she was desperate to get back to Mark and he knew all the crew including himself would support her in the attempt. “Send the following message to the Martian colony. ‘Thank you for your kind sentiments. Jade sends her affection to Professor Crawford. We wish you well. May the stars smile on you.’”
As The Pride of Tuath made visual contact with the Portal they stopped their motion and waited for it to appear. It had always held a sense of wonder for any crew to watch the golden circle flicker alive. Thoughts invariably went to the power and compassion of the Friend. When it appeared Jay, like most of the crew, whispered a thank you under his breath; it always seemed the right thing to do. Then their thoughts would normally swing to the task of propelling the ship forward into the beckoning Portal, but this time they looked out at the Sun shining slightly brighter than the stars around it; Sol, a reminder of their identity. They said their unspoken farewells and Jade felt that pain experienced by all parted lovers. The Pride of Tuath leapt forward, the crew held their breath in an involuntary fashion, knowing that the next breath they took would be in another solar system. Here waited a planet without wars, one where loved ones await
ed their return, familiar places and a safe future. Jade closed her eyes and instead remembered other things altogether different. The transition as usual was faultless and the AI was spewing out technical and positional data. Jade opened her eyes. Now the really hard work begins, she thought to herself realising, for the first time, how the sun here had a somewhat melancholy colour .
On Mars, they watched as the Portal opened. It stayed open for half an hour then closed. The commander of the colony sent his report on the apparently safe departure of The Pride of Tuath to Consortium headquarters in Australia. They in turn passed it on to the Prime Minister.
Paul had been behind closed doors with Barry for a full hour before Mark was invited inside.
“I’m sorry to keep you waiting like that Mark, Barry and I needed to explore a few options before I spoke with you. Firstly the good news from the colony on Mars is that The Pride of Tuath passed through the portal successfully. Jade sends you her affection. Now, down to business. Barry assures me you have a good understanding of how I assess the political situation. We cannot afford to lose our technological superiority in the short term. It is imperative we maintain our independence and the alliances we already have in place. I firmly believe it would result in our demise as a nation if we fail in this as we do not have a population big enough to adequately defend ourselves. I cannot afford any unforeseen events spoiling this aim. I am giving you a new assignment. In the event of a return of the Tuath you are to be the negotiator representing both the Government and the Consortium. Japan will probably want some say also. You will be required to make sure that all parties being represented are in complete agreement on any deals struck between yourself and the Tuathans. You are to nip in the bud any attempts by others to even talk to the Tuathans. You will assist them in the acquisition of their land and arrange for full freehold title to be implemented. They are required to respect our laws but abide by their own when on Tuathan territory. I think that just about covers it. Are there any comments or questions?”